"I" Statement

by Michael T. Jordan

There’s something empowering about being introspective while leaving room for self deprecation.

Because of that, from time to time I update my blurb . A blurb that leans toward answering the questions, “who am I and what do I represent”? I call it My “I” Statement.

If you’re like me, writing in the first person can be strangely difficult but I challenge you to try writing your own “I” Statement. Make it fun!

Admittedly, I thought I was creating something unique. It turns out that an “I” Statement in the therapy world is a commonly accepted “style of communication that focuses on the feelings or beliefs of the speaker rather than thoughts and characteristics that the speaker attributes to the listener.”

Here’s some insight from Good Therapy

My "I" Statement

I have a younger sister that used to call me "Dummy Head" and a Titi that still calls me her pea-brained jock.

I have a habit of introducing people to each other on multiple occasions. Malcolm Gladwell would call me a "Connector".

¡Yo soy Boricua, pa'que tu lo sepas!

I’m a husband to pure light and a father of three blessings. My opinions are strong and they are all mine.

I’ve spent the last 20 years of my professional life learning, connecting and building meaningful relationships with highly valued partners and friends.

I've had my share of victories and failures. Each of them unquestionably responsible for my long-term growth as a person.

I’m head high to the finish.


I try to live a well-balanced life focused on my most meaningful roles.

I have a curiosity that has served me well. I ask questions. Occasionally, I even stumble upon answers.

I'm forever branded as “annoying “ by Mother.

I’m sometimes a whole mess but more days than not, I’m Whole Grown Up 🤣.

Now it’s time for me to share.

Learn more about The Whole Grown Up